Here you will find....

My adventures as a bride to be! :)
I have the honor of being engaged to the most amazing man ever, and I would like to share my adventure with you.
I am very hands on, and in the age of Pintrest, what better time to plan a wedding?
With my projects, I will show you how I did things, and just maybe I can inspire you...:)

Monday, July 30, 2012

The Insides of a Suitcase & Stone Spray

My main focus this week is to get my card suitcase completely finished. I still have to do a little bit, but for the most part, it's complete. The idea was to have the letters "C-A-R-D-S" on each little flag, but I still have yet to get the letters on. 

First, I printed out an outline of a diamond and cut it out. (I'll have the actual size diamond I used at the bottom of this post.)
I laid the diamond on top of the fabric and pinned it. 

Then (obviously) you cut the fabric according to the shape. 

I folded the diamonds in half, so that they became double triangles and ironed them with starch. (I tried sewing them, but my machine decided to freak out on me:( 

Next, I ran natural Jute string through the tops of the triangles and pinned the fabric to the jute string on the backside. 

Ta-Da! (after clothes-pinning it!)
I still have yet to do the letters, but those will be very soon! 

Next, I would like to show you a little something else I did today!



The secret?

Krylon Make it Stone Spray!
So cool! I was kind of doubting that it would be the texture it said it would be, but it did exactly as it said it would. 
Unfortunately, I'll need to give it a second coating because a little bit of the brown is showing through, but I am very pleased with the results...:)

Below: The actual diamond picture I printed for my flags...

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